Covering IIHF Worlds 2021
Pasaules Čempionāts hokejā noslēdzās pirms nedēļas. Maratons 36 spēļu garumā, kas prasīja daudz enerģijas.
Liels paldies sieviņai par izturību un atbalstu, AFP komandai, ka uzaicināja, uzticējās, palīdzēja sagatavoties un atbalstīja visa PČ garumā, kā arī kolēģiem uz vietas, kuri vienmēr bija gatavi izpalīdzēt, jo īpaši Ints Kalniņš (Reuters), kurš palīdzēja ar rūteriem, kad visi citi interneti negāja.
It's unbelievable, but more than a 2 weeks marathon, covering 36 IIHF Worlds succesfully ended a week ago.
It took a lot of energy, but anyway it was a great experience for me.
I am really thankful to my beloved wife for really huge support, also AFP team, that You invited, trusted, helped to prepare and supported me, during Championship, as well as other colleagues , who were ready to help, specially Reuters photographer Ints Kalnins, who gave his router, when the rest of Wifi/Wire/Routers were not working. I really appreciate Your support!
Testing workflow - Lightroom presets
Recently I had a chance to try out presets, introduced by Sleeklens (company that provides workflow for professional photographers).
I have never been a huge fan of presets but this time a gave it a chance and... it works out nicely. I didn't like the color exaggeration for some of brushes but most of them worked well with my pictures. I liked the "Brighten shadows" tool the best.
In short - easy for using, large collection, highly recommended for those who don't mind using presets in their photography and are too busy for editing pictures in more complex ways.