Covering IIHF Worlds 2021

Pasaules Čempionāts hokejā noslēdzās pirms nedēļas. Maratons 36 spēļu garumā, kas prasīja daudz enerģijas.

Liels paldies sieviņai par izturību un atbalstu, AFP komandai, ka uzaicināja, uzticējās, palīdzēja sagatavoties un atbalstīja visa PČ garumā, kā arī kolēģiem uz vietas, kuri vienmēr bija gatavi izpalīdzēt, jo īpaši Ints Kalniņš (Reuters), kurš palīdzēja ar rūteriem, kad visi citi interneti negāja.

It's unbelievable, but more than a 2 weeks marathon, covering 36 IIHF Worlds succesfully ended a week ago.

It took a lot of energy, but anyway it was a great experience for me.

I am really thankful to my beloved wife for really huge support, also AFP team, that You invited, trusted, helped to prepare and supported me, during Championship, as well as other colleagues , who were ready to help, specially Reuters photographer Ints Kalnins, who gave his router, when the rest of Wifi/Wire/Routers were not working. I really appreciate Your support!

Andrej Kiska, during Official State visit in Latvia.

18.12.2018. Slovākijas prezidenta Andreja Kiskas oficiālā vizīte Latvijā.

Andrej Kiska, during Official State visit in Latvia.

#politics #Slovakia #Latvia #news #photojournalism #photographer

Birds in garden, during winter time

We had a guest (bird) in garden for first time today - common redpoll. It was eating bird feed from ground, next to common blackbird lady , later also next to Eurasian siskin.

Photo exhibition


Aizvadītajā gadā man bija lieliska iespēja paviesoties Islandē un Lapzemē, kur sekoju pa pēdām Latvijas Radio žurnālistēm Paula Gulbinska un Sandra Kropa, un veidoju foto materiālu par viņu radio stāstiem.

Tagad to var apskatīt Ziemeļvalstu Birojs Latvijā jaunajās telpās un gaidāms, ka izstāde apceļos arī Latviju. 
Pateicos par to Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā un Zinamais Nezinamaja!


I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Iceland and Swedish Lapland during last year where I was making photo material of interviews (for Latvian Radio). 
Currently there is photo exhibition at The Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office with best of the pics from these amazing trips. Thanks to Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office and Zinamais Nezinamaja team - Paula Gulbinska and Sandra Kropa.


Somewhere in Iceland

Somewhere in Iceland