Photo exhibition


Aizvadītajā gadā man bija lieliska iespēja paviesoties Islandē un Lapzemē, kur sekoju pa pēdām Latvijas Radio žurnālistēm Paula Gulbinska un Sandra Kropa, un veidoju foto materiālu par viņu radio stāstiem.

Tagad to var apskatīt Ziemeļvalstu Birojs Latvijā jaunajās telpās un gaidāms, ka izstāde apceļos arī Latviju. 
Pateicos par to Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā un Zinamais Nezinamaja!


I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Iceland and Swedish Lapland during last year where I was making photo material of interviews (for Latvian Radio). 
Currently there is photo exhibition at The Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office with best of the pics from these amazing trips. Thanks to Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office and Zinamais Nezinamaja team - Paula Gulbinska and Sandra Kropa.


Somewhere in Iceland

Somewhere in Iceland

Gints Ivuskans

Event photographer, based in Riga, Latvia.

Wedding decorations and newly married couple at seaside


Photo of Michael Roth visit in Riga