Happy New Year
Kāds pusgads būs pagājis kopš iepriekšējās reizes, kad kaut ko ievietoju bloga sadaļā. Jā, jāatzīst, neesmu cītīgākais rakstītājs, piedošanu.
Vēlējos Jums visiem novēlēt veselīgu un prieka pilnu Jauno gadu!
Ja zināt kādu, kurš Jums pastāsta - meklēju fotogrāfu , ziniet, ka ar lielāko prieku esmu gatavs sadarboties. Gan Latvijā, gan citviet Eiropā!
It’s been a long time since I wrote here last time. I wish very healthy and joyful Year to each of my clients and followers!
If You know someone, who is looking for photographer in Latvia or somewhere in Europe I am very opened to collaborate!
Publication on The New York Times
Patīkams pārsteigums - šodien atradu foto publikāciju The New York Times.
What a nice surprise - I found that The New York Times has chosen photo, which I captured for AFP, during International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) Worlds.
Products on Online store available
Izveidoju veikaliņu, kur ir iespēja iegādāties arī sejas maskas ar uzdrukātām manām bildēm .
Protams, ir pieejami arī dažādi citi produkti.
I created store, where You can find out some face masks with my nature photos.
There are available different type of other products as well.
Ilva and Maris prewedding photoshoot
Ilva un Māris. Pirms kāzu fotosesija. Latvijas Universitātes Botāniskais dārzs, Rīga.
Ilva and Maris prewedding photoshoot. Riga, Latvia April 2019.
FEDCUP BNP Paribas, The World Cup of Tennis World Group II First Round game between team Latvia and team Slovakia at Arena Riga.
FedCup BNP Paribas, Pasaules Grupas II , Pirmās kārtas spēles.
Aļona Ostapenko - Rebeka Šramkova un Anastasija Sevastova - Anna Karolīna Šmiedlova
09.02.2019. RIGA, LATVIA. FEDCUP BNP Paribas, The World Cup of Tennis World Group II First Round game between team Latvia and team Slovakia at Arena Riga.
1st game Alona Ostapenko - Rebecca Sramkova
2nd game Anastasija Sevastova - Anna Karolina Schmiedlova
#tennis #FedCup #sport #sports #news #photo #photography#photojournalism #photographer #Riga #Latvia #Europe
Photo exhibition
Aizvadītajā gadā man bija lieliska iespēja paviesoties Islandē un Lapzemē, kur sekoju pa pēdām Latvijas Radio žurnālistēm Paula Gulbinska un Sandra Kropa, un veidoju foto materiālu par viņu radio stāstiem.
Tagad to var apskatīt Ziemeļvalstu Birojs Latvijā jaunajās telpās un gaidāms, ka izstāde apceļos arī Latviju.
Pateicos par to Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā un Zinamais Nezinamaja!
I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Iceland and Swedish Lapland during last year where I was making photo material of interviews (for Latvian Radio).
Currently there is photo exhibition at The Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office with best of the pics from these amazing trips. Thanks to Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia office and Zinamais Nezinamaja team - Paula Gulbinska and Sandra Kropa.
Somewhere in Iceland
Suomenlinna, Finland. 27.02.2017.
I had a great opportunity to travel to Helsinki, Finland for first time. Very limited time, but I got several photos despite of that.
Many thanks for support Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia!
P.S. Why I was there - information will be available later during this month :)
A man walking with his children, who are sitting on sledge.
Testing workflow - Lightroom presets
Recently I had a chance to try out presets, introduced by Sleeklens (company that provides workflow for professional photographers).
I have never been a huge fan of presets but this time a gave it a chance and... it works out nicely. I didn't like the color exaggeration for some of brushes but most of them worked well with my pictures. I liked the "Brighten shadows" tool the best.
In short - easy for using, large collection, highly recommended for those who don't mind using presets in their photography and are too busy for editing pictures in more complex ways.